Submission Guidelines

Authors must submit manuscripts by APRIL 8, 23:59 h CET (extended deadline). In preparing their manuscripts, authors should follow the BMSD'19 formatting instructions (see below) and remove their names (and also names of co-authors and affiliations) from the title and references sections. The file should be saved as PDF and e-mailed by the 8th of April to SECRETARIAT [AT] IICREST.ORG, putting in the e-mail Subject: "BMSD 2019, Regular / Position Paper". A "double-blind" paper evaluation method will be applied. As according to the announced deadlines, the contact authors will be notified of acceptance / rejection by the 22nd of April; further, the authors of accepted papers will have until MAY 7 for submitting the final versions of their papers (please, read carefully the instructions below). ONLY those papers received no later than the mentioned date and !! properly formatted !! will be included in the symposium proceedings (published by Springer under an ISBN reference), under the condition that at least one author has been registered in time, has submitted copyright document, and has transferred the corresponding registration fee. Any questions requiring further submission-related details, are to be e-mailed to the BMSD'19 Chair, Dr. Boris Shishkov (b.b.shishkov [at] / b.b.shishkov [at]


As suggested above, there are two key submission acts, namely: (i) the initial submission; (ii) the final paper submission. It is to be noted that: (i) applies to all except for the authors of Invited Papers (see below); (ii) applies to all except for the authors of rejected manuscripts. The following is also to be taken into account when preparing the submissions, especially noting that we seek submission of original papers and only UNPUBLISHED MATERIAL will be acceptable for review:

Initial Submission
The manuscripts, submitted by April 8, are to be of no less than 4 and no more than 12 pages (Springer LNCS format), and also, they should be in English, in PDF format (as already mentioned) and properly formatted (see below) - otherwise they will be rejected without being reviewed. Each submitted manuscript should be in the symposium scope and clearly indicating the nature of its scientific / technical contribution. Manuscripts that are out of the symposium scope will be rejected without being reviewed.

Final Paper Submission
The final paper versions, to be e-mailed to SECRETARIAT [AT] IICREST.ORG by May 7, are to be prepared following the reviewers' recommendations and remarks, and also carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling. The authors should submit both the Word/LaTeX and the PDF files. The BMSD'19 page limits are to be observed, as elaborated below.

The BMSD'19 paper templates (see below) ought to be used for ALL submitted papers.

Revised and extended versions of the best BMSD'19 papers will be published in 2020 in a special issue of a journal and the best paper authors will be contacted in due course.


All accepted papers, no matter what their presentation format is (except for the papers accepted for Poster presentation), will be published in the BMSD'19 proceedings, if the above-stated conditions have been fulfilled.

In the symposium, we distinguish between Full Papers, Short Papers, and Posters, as paper formats:

Full Papers
These papers are allocated 30 minutes for oral presentation (including discussion) and are assigned a 18-page limit in the symposium proceedings (and should be no less than 13 pages).
Short Papers
These papers are allocated 20 minutes for oral presentation (including discussion) and are assigned a 10-page limit in the symposium proceedings (and should be no less than 6 pages).
These papers are presented as poster and are assigned a 4-page limit even though they will NOT be included in the Springer Proceedings (they will be published separately).



Regular Papers
A regular paper presents a work where the research is completed or almost finished. A manuscript submitted as "regular paper" may be accepted either as a "full paper" or as a "short paper", or as a "poster".

Position Papers
A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that a stated opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important providing some kind of evidence for ensuring the validity of the stated claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the symposium topic areas. A manuscript submitted as "position paper" may be either accepted as a "short paper" or as a "poster" - a position paper is not a candidate to acceptance as "full paper".

Invited Papers
A limited number of invited papers will be considered in 2019: ONLY the BMSD'18 authors selected for post-symposium journal publications will be considered for invited paper submissions as well as former / future BMSD Keynote Lecturers.


The BMSD'19 Authors are to stick to the Springer Guidelines in preparing and formatting their manuscripts. Each submission will be analyzed and if any formatting error is found, it may be sent to the author(s) for proper re-formatting, and if an author would keep failing to deliver a perfectly formatted manuscript, then his or her final paper submission may not be accepted for inclusion in the BMSD'19 proceedings. Please, download the Springer Guidelines (as a .pdf file) here:

- BMSD'19 Paper Formatting Guidelines


Oral Presentations
The technical session room will be equipped with a computer running Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader. By using a pen drive or a CD, speakers may use the mentioned equipment. Speakers may also use their own computer.

Poster Presentations
Posters will have dedicated sessions during the symposium, when authors must be next to their posters to answer questions. The poster size must not exceed the A0 (84 cm X 118 cm) portrait format. Please, use an appropriate font size for the posters so that they are readable by the participants 1.5 meter away. The poster message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation. Please, assure the poster is placed on the board before the beginning of the poster session. Authors are required to stand by their posters during the whole poster session since this is when the participation certificates will be given. The poster presenter must also bring the poster already printed.